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Hello, This is Jewish Family Service - Can I Help You?

By Mary Peterson


Allow me to introduce myself. I am the voice you hear on the phone and the face you see when you walk in the door.


I am the front office staff. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been in the Jewish Family Service office working in the quiet trying to keep the front office duties running.


I love working in behavioral health. I have been doing office work in behavioral health for almost ten years. Mainly because I could use the services we provide. This gives me a slight edge when speaking with potential clients. I have compassion and empathy, both of which you need for the position I have. Understanding that our clients need a calm friendly tone when they are amidst their chaos is the most important, a speck of light in their darkness, if you will.


I do a little bit of everything for all programs under JFS’s community programs. It feeds my intrinsic need to be helpful and lifting those who need a hand.


If someone tells you that they are depressed - believe them. If they tell you they are very anxious - believe them. Do not miss their cues for help. If you don’t know what any of that feels like or what it’s like, do your research to find out what it’s like.


I maintain a healthy sense of humor to lighten my mood. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me. Try to find what works for you.


Mary Peterson manages billing at JFS. But as you can tell, she is the calm, caring, and informed voice of the agency, with a wonderful sense of humor! If you seek help or to learn more, please call Jewish Family Service at 717-233-1681.