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Z3 to Reimagine Israel-Diaspora Relations

By Adam Grobman

The Jewish diaspora and Israel are often thought of as two separate arenas. So, how can observers see them at the same time?

The Z3 Project aims to bring the two together. The program, which began in 2015, will go virtual this year and gather leading voices from across political spectrums of Israel and America for debate, conversation, and  ultimately, common purpose.

“The goal of the Z3 Project is to help usher in the understanding that this moment in time, one which has both a strong diaspora and homeland, demands that we think about the relationship and elevate our sense of common peoplehood,” says Rabbi Amitai Fraiman, the Director of the Z3 Project. “The idea that we can come together and support Jewish programs around the world does just that.

The program, which will run from December 10 – 17 (during the week of Chanukah), will feature mainstage speakers like Bari Weiss, MK Merav Micaheli, and Micah Goodman, as well as programming from more than thirty communities worldwide, including Harrisburg. The program is presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg’s Jewish Community Relations Council and York JCC.

The content of the weeklong program will correspond with seven pillars of Jewish Life: Tikkun Olam, Arts & Culture, Community, Holidays/Rituals/Shabbat, Learning and Education, Identity, and Safety Security. Proceeds from ticket sales will be pooled to create a giving circle focusing on these seven areas, with attendees receiving voting power and a voice in the funding of projects worldwide.

“The idea of a global giving circle is incredibly exciting,” Rabbi Fraiman says. “We often talk about having a stake and say in our future, but this global philanthropic experiment is the first of its kind! We are all shareholders and it is time we find mechanisms to express that.”

The Harrisburg program will take place on December 16 at 11am EST. It will feature two community members involved in the arts – Jewish cultural worker Susan Leviton and photographer Ayelet Shanken.

“Z3 provides an excellent opportunity for our JCRC to continue our annual partnership with our friends and colleagues from the York JCC in providing exceptional education regarding Israel and other important issues,” says Jenn Ross, Federation President/CEO.

Each ticket grants the attendee access to the entire week of keynote speakers, recorded content, local conversations, article, DIY kits, educational videos, and voting power in the global giving circle. Tickets can be purchased for $36 at