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Greetings from Sunny North Carolina

By Art and Debbie Kravitz

Hey Ya’ll, It’s Art and Debbie Kravitz sending greetings from Sunny North Carolina!

In case you missed it, we relocated to Chapel Hill in October and are settling in our new digs. This unplanned move was based on the decision by our children, Lara and Kris Novak, to move back to North Carolina. Kris, who had previously worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), headquartered in Durham, was lured back to his old job. Debbie and I could not fathom being that far away from the Novak’s… so without hesitation, we decided to join them.

We are sorry to leave our dear dear friends, but the family connection prevailed. We are thankful to the community for allowing us to be a part of it for the last forty-plus years. We have awesome memories and miss the people we have had so many experiences with.

Our connection is being maintained by our continuing participation in Zoom workouts (thanks to Terri Travers) as well as Zoom activities from our synagogue and friends.

Our email addresses and our cell numbers have not changed, so we can keep the lines of communication open.

Wishing you all a healthy winter and we hope to have visitors when the COVID adventure subsides.

Finally, in the words of Bob Hope, “Thanks for the memories!”