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JFS Helping Families by Adding Another Child Therapist to Staff

By Steven Schauder, JFS Executive Director

All across the country, the following scene plays out. A pediatrician sees a child and the child exhibits signs of depression, social isolation, and anxiety. Like the good doctor she is, she refers the parents to seek mental health counseling. The …

Haverim Society Awards 2022 Grants

By Adam Grobman

Harrisburg Haverim Society has distributed more than $3500 to four Jewish community organizations through its 2022 grant process.

The giving society, which engages former members of the Harrisburg Jewish community who have moved to other areas of the country and the world, …

National Volunteer Appreciation Week: JFS Thanks Volunteers!

By Kim Hutnik

The week of April 17 – 22 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. This week, and every day, we thank and appreciate all the wonderful JFS volunteers who are making a difference in the lives of so many in the Harrisburg community.

Our volunteers assist with our Kosher Meals…

How To Help Jews in Ukraine

Originally published on 4/8/22

By Steve Schauder, Executive Director, Jewish Family Service

Like you, I have been captivated by the horrific images emerging from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Families fleeing for their lives with only one bulging suitcase while innocent civilians are ki…

Young and Young at Heart Volunteers Make Super Sunday a Success

By Mary Klaus

Jane Halper is no stranger to Super Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. She’s been coming to the fundraising event with her parents for years.

Now, at the venerable age of 11, the Silver Academy student knows first-hand the importance of the phone-a-thon highlighting th…