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Jewish Family Service

JFS Food Pantry: Providing Food in Times of Need

By Adam Grobman

When is a closet not a closet? When it’s a food pantry!

Enclosed in what could be a coat closet in the lobby of Jewish Family Service is a food pantry open to all, containing foods donated by community members and organizations to help feed people needing a little extra h…

Mitch Albom and JFS - A Match Made in Heaven


by Rachel Kuhr

On Tuesday February 25, 2020, Mitch Albom will be appearing at Beth El Temple on behalf of Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Harrisburg.  He will be speaking about his new book, which focuses on the decision he and his wife made to take custody of Chika, a little girl orpha…

Thousands of PA Children Looking for Forever Homes

by Rachel Kuhr

Back in May of this year, my hard drive at work crashed.  Foolishly, I had saved things on it that I thought I would always have access to-reports I had written, my last foster care budget that I sent to the state, a program description in progress, pictures from prior event…