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Be Thankful Despite These Turbulent Times, Rabbis Advise

By Mary Klaus

Thanksgiving is a comfortable holiday for Jews, even during this unprecedented year of a pandemic that shows no signs of ending, racial tension, political divisions, and an economic downturn.

Jews are used to giving thanks in daily prayers after meals, at Shabbat and during n…

Yom Kippur: A Time to Forgive Others and Ourselves

By Mary Klaus

Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the Jewish year. It’s also one of the most challenging.

The Day of Atonement is a time to do more than fast, pray, and attend services, apologize to G-d for wrongs committed, and ask forgiveness. It’s also a time for Jews to go …

Seders Reshaped Due to Coronavirus

By Mary Klaus

Zei Gezunt (Stay Healthy)! The coronavirus pandemic has upended life as we know it.

These days, it’s elbow bumps rather than handshakes, virtual meetings instead of face-to-face ones. Using hand sanitizers, wearing face masks, and practicing physical distancing are all the …

Remember Fido and Fluffy’s Diets During Passover

By Mary Klaus

Technically, your pets may not be Jewish. But you are.

As Jews enter the Passover season, many believe that their pets, like themselves, should not have food with chametz (leavened bread) such as wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt, pasta, and brewer’s yeast. After all, observa…

Silver Academy Celebrates Tu B’Shevat


by Samara Sofian, Head of School, The Silver Academy

Tu B’Shevat at The Silver Academy was very meaningful for our students this year.  Our day began with a special presentation by Dr. Kris Novak, also known at school as Grace and Eli’s Dad.  Dr. Novak works for the Department of …