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'Doing the Lord's Work': Remembering Sam Yespy

By Daniel Urie
Previously published in Chisuk Emuna Congregation’s Bulletin

With a fist bump and a smile, and a story or two, you knew when Samuel Yespy was at Chisuk Emuna Congregation’s evening minyan.

Sam, of Hampden Township, died on Nov. 21.

Sam regularly attended the weekda…

Temple Beth Shalom Takes a Step to Address the Climate Crisis

By Ira Beckerman

About two-thirds into the Shema, there is a portion from Deuteronomy where God promises the Jewish people rain on their land at the right times for their crops and trees, and grass on the fields for their animals.  God instructs us to eat and be content (which shows up lat…

Religious School’s Hybrid Model Reimagines Hebrew Learning

By Adam Grobman

Necessity is the mother of invention.

As many have found throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to social distance and limit contacts has sparked creative solutions for accomplishing everyday tasks and activities.

Temple Ohev Sholom Religious School shifted to an onlin…

We Need to Come Together: A Holiday Message

By Rabbi Ariana Capptauber, Beth El Temple Harrisburg

Excerpted from Rabbi Capptauber’s Yom Kippur Sermon

Last month, I ran a 5k with the JCC. A few times a week, I do a two or three mile run on my own, but on those runs I often stop and walk at intervals. I’m in my own head, and whene…

Synagogues returning to In-Person Services with Various Stipulations

By Mary Klaus

Note: Due to evolviing circumstances with the COVID-19 Delta Variant, plans may change. Please contact your synagogue or visit their website for up-to-date information.


Although Jews frequently pray alone – in extended sessions or short recitations throughout the day - …