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Message from Greater Harrisburg’s Rabbinical Leadership and Jewish Agencies

As COVID-19 continues to spread, everyone's physical and spiritual well-being remain our top communal priority.  Each of our organizations is working to ensure that we implement reasonable and appropriate precautions in accordance with the recommendations of experts.  We all want to be sen…

PA Native Gets Creative During Quarantine in Israel

by Adam Grobman

Being in quarantine is both a challenge and an opportunity.

At least that’s the attitude of Stephanie Graber and Joyce Franco, the founders of a new Instagram account, @creativelyquarantined.

Steph, a West Chester, PA native who remembers visiting Harrisburg for USY even…

Supporting Our Friends in the Chinese-American and Chinese Communities


In response to rising xenophobia aimed at the Chinese American and Chinese communities over the spread of the Coronavirus, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) organized a letter of solidarity from the Jewish community. We believe it is important that the Jewish community expres…

Governor Wolf Commemorates Tree of LIfe with Statewide Remembrance Day

by Hank Butler

Last month, Governor Tom Wolf signed a proclamation declaring Sunday, October 27, 2019, a day of remembrance and ordered state flags to half-staff on the one-year mark of an anti-Semitic attack on the Dor Hadash, New Light, and Tree of Life• Or L’Simcha congregations in…

Israel National Baseball Team Qualifies for 2020 Summer Olympics

In September, Israel’s National Baseball team became the first to qualify for the 2020 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo, Japan.

Israel qualified by winning the Africa/Europe Qualifying Event, in which they had a record of 4 – 1 and defeated teams from Spain, Netherlands, Italy, and South A…