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Senior Update 4.8.22

by Roberta Krieger

Well, spring is here, for which we are thankful.  I'm sad to say that as of this writing, unfortunately, the world is not in a better place. We can get a respite from the horrors of everyday newscasts by coming to the JCC and socializing with our friends.

On Tuesday, Ma…

Senior Update 3.25.22

by Roberta Krieger

I'm sure we are all in agreement (definitely not a normal occurrence) that we welcome spring.  Hopefully by the time you get this issue of the Community Review, the world will be in a better place.

On Tuesday, March 1st, Jeff Jacobs, our current events moderator, made s…

Senior Update 3.11.22

by Roberta Krieger

By the time you receive this issue of the Community Review, spring will only be a little more than two weeks away.  I’m sure this has universal appeal.

On Tuesday, February 8th, we had our usual "lox Tuesday" lunch prior to our business meeting and birthday party.  …

Senior Update 2.25.22

by Roberta Krieger

It's hard to believe by the time you get this issue of the Community Review, it will be the end of February.  Upon rethinking this, it might be too presumptive of me to say end of February, as opposed to some point in March.  Today's mail delivery is not too far removed…

Artist in Residency Program Returns to JCC This Winter

By Cheryl Yablon

For the last five years, the JCC Senior Adult Club has participated in an “Artist in Residency Program.”  It is an incredible opportunity for our seniors to work with Cheryl Kugler, a professional artist.

The theme for the 2022 program is “Nature Nurtures the Artist…