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Local Rabbis

Society in the Eyes of Spiritual Leaders

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon

A very well-known origin story of a spiritual leader begins in this common way. There is a young person who grows up sheltered within the walls of a palace. This youngster learns the ins and outs of courtly life and is protected from the…

Is There A Blessing for the Metaverse?

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel

Recently Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook’s new rebranding campaign. Henceforth, Facebook shall be known as “Meta,” short for “Metaverse,” which is the culmination of decades of augmented reality technology and digitized human relatio…

The Final Release: The Legacy of Pre-Pandemic Goals

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel (Lebanon)

Last September I turned thirty in quarantine. It was the birthday I had been preparing for since I had moved out to south central Pennsylvania, the birthday that I had hoped would finally transform me into the mature adult I had set out…

For the Sake of Heaven

By Rabbi Ron Muroff, Chisuk Emuna Congregation

Not long after last Yom Kippur, we faced a bitterly contested election, which was followed by angry protests and false allegations regarding its results, culminating in the brutal assault on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

The Spring was mark…

The Jewish Angle on Afghanistan

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel (Lebanon)

As I write this, the Kabul International Airport is surrounded by Taliban fighters who show no affinity for political coalitions or bargaining.

It seems like the future for Afghanistan is bereft of anything remotely moderate, and most …