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Sub-Carpathia Unearthed: Website Gives Resources to Connect with Roots

by Adam Grobman

Marshall Katz has always been interested in family history.  His paternal grandfather arrived in America in 1923 and Marshall’s father was the first born American in the family in 1924.

While much of the Camp Hill resident’s family was killed in the Holocaust before he…

Campus of the Jewish Home nominated as Nonprofit Innovation Award Finalist

by Katie Crane


The Campus is proud to announce that we are a finalist of the Central Penn Business Journal’s (CPBJ) Nonprofit Innovation Awards!

We are one of seven organizations in the programs category that will be recognized next month for the creation of our unique and impactful …

Mitch Albom and JFS - A Match Made in Heaven


by Rachel Kuhr

On Tuesday February 25, 2020, Mitch Albom will be appearing at Beth El Temple on behalf of Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Harrisburg.  He will be speaking about his new book, which focuses on the decision he and his wife made to take custody of Chika, a little girl orpha…

Thousands of PA Children Looking for Forever Homes

by Rachel Kuhr

Back in May of this year, my hard drive at work crashed.  Foolishly, I had saved things on it that I thought I would always have access to-reports I had written, my last foster care budget that I sent to the state, a program description in progress, pictures from prior event…

2019 Joint Agency Annual Meeting Celebrates Community

by Adam Grobman

On Thursday, October 24th, community agencies came together for the Joint Agency Annual Meeting at the Harrisburg JCC.

This was the fifth time that the meeting was held, during which board members of Jewish agencies in Harrisburg were elected/installed and community members…