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Community Voices

One People, One Heart

By Ayelet Friedman

Ayelet Friedman is a 15-year-old writer and is the granddaughter of Harrisburg community members Norman and Cheryl Gras. This piece won first place in the Young Writers category of the May 2020 Journey Writing Contest, presented by The Associated: Jewish Federation of Ba…

Letter to the Editor

Kudos, congratulations, and heartfelt thanks, to Julie Sherman and her Jewish Film Festival Committee for making our July Sunday and Wednesday evenings so thought provoking, entertaining, and stimulating.  Our twice a week movie nights were wonderful and I looked forward to receiving the mi…

Coronavirus and Racism

By Yael Goldman

The Coronavirus is spreading, and so is racism.

In Martin Luther King’s, “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” he talks about racism and nonviolent ways to handle racism. Although King hoped the world would change its violent ways, it did not. On February 24th, 2020, in cent…

A 2-Person Seder in Covid-19 Time Using the Food Fair Haggadah

by Conrad Siegel

Why did just the two of us choose sitting at our dining room table in our apartment in Redondo Beach California? We could have chosen electronic Zoom seders including dozens or 50+ participants from our family or synagogue or chavurah.

We wanted something different. Let u…

My Battle with Breast Cancer- A Team Effort


Mandy Cheskis

I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  I feel that my story is somewhat unique so I wanted to share it with the community through this article.  And, at the same time, I can thank the community in general for all of the love and support that I have received throug…