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Community Voices

Reflection On Harrisburg Summers Past

By Janice Apple Malett

I joined the town pool in Rye, NY and do my laps after work.

I don't know a soul - not after three summers of swimming here. Too young, too old, or just unfriendly. But it doesn’t matter. I'm not here to make friends. I come for the swimming...and for something els…

Progressive Jewish Voice Seeks Members

By Harvey Freedenberg


The 2020 election is behind us, but the issues that prompted so many of us to volunteer, donate, and vote now have to be addressed by the Biden administration, a new Congress, and our representatives in Harrisburg. If you are energized thinking about the important …

Greetings from Sunny North Carolina

By Art and Debbie Kravitz

Hey Ya’ll, It’s Art and Debbie Kravitz sending greetings from Sunny North Carolina!

In case you missed it, we relocated to Chapel Hill in October and are settling in our new digs. This unplanned move was based on the decision by our children, Lara and Kris Nov…

CEO Letter 12.18.20

By Jenn Ross

One of the ways I have been weathering the pandemic has been through online education. It has been a great opportunity to advance the skills I employ for various aspects of my work including Community Relations Council, fundraising, planning, safety and security, leadership dev…

The Amazing Jewish Federation General Assembly

By Alyce Spector

My husband, Mort, and I would attend the Jewish Federation General Assembly (GA) every year.  The GA was held at the Waldorf Astoria and Hilton Hotel in New York City.  It was here where we reunited with our friends from the first Young Leadership Group.  It was here tha…