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CEO Letter 5.22.20

by Jenn Ross

This column is dedicated to all of the teens in our community.  Being a teenager isn’t easy even under the best of circumstances and you are also being asked to adapt to this unprecedented time.  You have forgone many experiences such as March of the Living, Maccabi Games, …

Coronavirus and Racism

By Yael Goldman

The Coronavirus is spreading, and so is racism.

In Martin Luther King’s, “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” he talks about racism and nonviolent ways to handle racism. Although King hoped the world would change its violent ways, it did not. On February 24th, 2020, in cent…

CEO Letter 5.8.20

By Jenn Ross

During this quarantine, I’ve been seeking guidance from my national associations and colleagues at other Federations, JCCs and Community Relations Councils to ensure I am serving you and the community effectively during this challenging time. I’ve also been learning from le…

4.24.20 CEO Letter

by Jenn Ross

This year is Israel’s 72nd birthday.  Earlier in the year, we were planning an expanded community celebration which would have involved children and young families.  Although we won’t be able to host this program at the J, we have most of the groundwork for next year.

I …

A 2-Person Seder in Covid-19 Time Using the Food Fair Haggadah

by Conrad Siegel

Why did just the two of us choose sitting at our dining room table in our apartment in Redondo Beach California? We could have chosen electronic Zoom seders including dozens or 50+ participants from our family or synagogue or chavurah.

We wanted something different. Let u…