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Jonathan Greenblatt’s Book Is Inspiring Me to Stop Hate

By Allison Siegelman

The recently released book authored by Anti-Defamation League’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, It Could Happen Here: Why America Is Tipping From Hate To the Unthinkable and How We Can Stop It came to my attention as a result of research I am conducting to complete my gradu…

CEO Letter 11.19.21

By Jenn Ross


I am proud to share that our JCC has been chosen to participate in JCulture 2.0, a program that aims to make JCCs more welcoming, inclusive, and respectful spaces. Lori Rubin, Christine Cutuli, and I participated in an immersive training focusing on important issues such as…

CEO Letter 4.22.22

By Jenn Ross

Like the Passover holiday, working on behalf of the Jewish community can often be bittersweet. While Community Review is filled with examples of people and programs serving and uniting our community, too frequently our work and focus is on responding to and protecting against a…

CEO Letter 3.25.22

By Jenn Ross

Earlier this month, a coalition of Jewish community members met with Harrisburg Mayor Wanda Williams to introduce ourselves and speak about the Jewish Community’s commitment to fighting hate and racism.  The group included Rabbi Ariana Capptauber, Rabbi Ron Muroff, Mike Sand…

Appropriation of Jewish Culture For Political Use Is Unnacceptable

By Ira Beckerman

On January 8th, in Gettysburg, State Senator Doug Mastriano announced his candidacy for the governorship of Pennsylvania.  At that event, a non-Jewish man associated with Mastriano’s campaign donned a tallit, or a Jewish prayer shawl, and blew a shofar.

The shofar is a …