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RamBaN, Defending Jewish Honor, and Outstanding Young Jews Today

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel (Lebanon)

For our ancestors who lived in Christian lands during the Middle Ages, there were few scarier moments in time than when Jewish leaders were summoned for public disputations. These were semi-regularly scheduled debates where the entire J…

CEO Letter 3.11.22

By Jenn Ross

Being a part of the JCC community has been a source of strength and energy throughout this pandemic. Our staff, volunteers, and members have continuously built community as an alternative to isolation. Even those who have continued to remain at home have been touched by our num…

CEO Letter 2.25.2022

By Jenn Ross

I frequently quote and reflect upon this guidance from Pirkei Avot 2:21: “It is not on you to complete the work; neither are you free to desist from it.” Being the leader of a Federation integrated with a JCC and running a Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) can be ov…

Jewish Parallels Guide The Mandalorian

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon

After seeing too many “Baby Yoda” plushies to count, and hearing many rave reviews of Disney Plus’ The Mandalorian, I decided to watch the first two seasons of the hit show. I found the mythology of the “Mandalore,” to be paral…

CEO Letter 2.11.22

By Jenn Ross



January was a very troubling month for the Jewish community.

From the horrifying hostage situation during a Bar Mitzvah/Shabbat service in Colleyville, Texas, to the atrocious speech on MLK Day (and follow-up statement) by Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, a leader in the Pr…