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Reflection On Harrisburg Summers Past

By Janice Apple Malett

I joined the town pool in Rye, NY and do my laps after work.

I don't know a soul - not after three summers of swimming here. Too young, too old, or just unfriendly. But it doesn’t matter. I'm not here to make friends. I come for the swimming...and for something els…

In Defense of Zionism

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon

It is frankly embarrassing that our contemporary society seems to require a defense of Zionism, but if there’s anything more blatantly obvious about the need for a secure Jewish state, it’s the depth of hate that anti-Semites will r…

6.18.21 CEO Letter

By Jenn Ross

My personal connection and love for Israel began when I participated as a volunteer through Volunteers for Israel (VFI) prior to my senior year in High School.  Prior to that experience, Israel was merely a concept to me through the education I had received from Hebrew School …

CEO Letter 6.4.21

By Jenn Ross

My heart is heavy as I’m writing this column. The violence in the Middle East has caused loss of life and disrupted the lives of Israelis and Palestinians.

My prayer is that the cease-fire announced on May 20 is still in effect and permanent peace in Israel will be achieved …

“For Justice is God’s,” The Difference between Justice and Catharsis

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon                                                                                        

The biggest philosophical development over the last fifteen years is the trend to approach situations wi…