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CEO Letter 1.29.21

By Jenn Ross

I have continued to see a rise in Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism nationally and internationally since I began my tenure here in July 2016.  The darkest moments include the shootings at the Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018 and at Chabad of Poway in 2019, numerous violent atta…

CEO Letter 1.15.21

By Jenn Ross



Each year, our nation honors Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a national holiday, which many people spend the day in volunteer service and reflection. Dr. King had significant impact on civil rights, but as we witnessed last year, tragically, his work is far from d…

Progressive Jewish Voice Seeks Members

By Harvey Freedenberg


The 2020 election is behind us, but the issues that prompted so many of us to volunteer, donate, and vote now have to be addressed by the Biden administration, a new Congress, and our representatives in Harrisburg. If you are energized thinking about the important …

Greetings from Sunny North Carolina

By Art and Debbie Kravitz

Hey Ya’ll, It’s Art and Debbie Kravitz sending greetings from Sunny North Carolina!

In case you missed it, we relocated to Chapel Hill in October and are settling in our new digs. This unplanned move was based on the decision by our children, Lara and Kris Nov…

CEO Letter 1.1.21

By Jenn Ross



Happy New Year has a very different feel in 2021. While virtual programs like our Senior Club’s Noon Year’s Eve will welcome 2021, most of us will be refraining from the large celebratory events that typically ring in the new calendar year. 

Fortunately, there is …