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Saying Goodbye to Grandma Annabell

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel


As the list of people lost directly to COVID or to COVID-related complications grows, I’d like to share my personal story of loss. It’s with a heavy heart that I remember my Grandmother Annabell Schwartz this spring, and I hope that readi…

CEO Letter 2.26.21

By Jenn Ross


Purim 2020 was the last time I attended large community events.  I participated in the Megillah reading at Beth El Temple and the Women’s Annual Megillah Reading and helped out at the JCC Purim Carnival.  Participating in community activities always brings me joy. I am …

CEO Letter 2.12.21

By Jenn Ross

Thank you to all of our health care workers for the sacrifices you have made in the past year.  Your jobs are never easy, but the work has been even more tireless, stressful, and hazardous during this pandemic.  I continue to be thankful for the members of our Medical Advisor…

Jews Are Always Threatened By The Mob

By Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon


Surviving this past year without technology would not have been possible. From the moment I get up in the morning, to the moment I lay my head down to rest, my thoughts are occupied with the concerns of our sacred community. If not f…

Rabbi Ron Muroff Receives Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree

Chisuk Emuna Congregation is proud to announce that Rabbi Ron Muroff received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree at a virtual convocation on Sunday, January 31st at 1 p.m. through the Jewish Theological Seminary! The ceremony celebrated his achievements as one of the distinguished members…