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That Sacred Journey

By Marjorie Koch, Adult Therapist, Jewish Family Service



The question I get asked most often by my clients is: “How do you listen to people’s problems all day?” This always makes me smile as I have never viewed my role as a psychotherapist in that way. When I make the contract…

Jewish Home Continues to Fight COVID-19 with Vaccines, Restrictions

By Mary Klaus

Originally published 2/12/21

Although nearly 95 percent of the Campus of the Jewish Home of Greater Harrisburg residents eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination have been vaccinated, staff members are not letting their guard down in their fight against the pandemic.


I Am the Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor

By Bryna Sherr

I am the daughter of a Holocaust Survivor.

There are few people my age who can say that, as my mother was a little girl when she and my grandparents escaped the Nazis. She was born in Uzbekistan before she and my grandparents came to the United States via a displaced persons…

One Child, One Family, One Story of Freedom

By Kim Kupfer

When you walk into Cristina Stanton’s bedroom, you cannot help but be drawn to the fabulous mural on her wall. It is a hand painted mural of Antigua, Guatemala, her birth city, created by her

Grandfather. That is the way the Stanton’s are: they embrace their adopted daug…

Reflections on MLK Day

By Lori Rubin


When my kids were little, our synagogue began partnering with an agency that delivered meals to homebound adults. Every year for the Martin Luther King Day of Service, the Social Action and Tikkun Olam committee asked members to make pints of soup.  We had a goal of makin…