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Passover, the Miracle of Adoption and Finding our Way to Freedom

Steven Schauder, Executive Director, Jewish Family Service

I’d like to highlight something that you might not have ever considered-- the whole miracle of Passover begins with the adoption of a baby. In an effort to save her son’s life, an unnamed Jewish mother has her child placed near …

Back on Track and Project Lift Project Report 2020

By Elaine Strokoff, JFS Director of Financial Assistance & Food Security


Since 2017, through the generosity of donors, Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg supported some of the most vulnerable members of our community through the Back on Track Initiative and Project Lift.


Meet York JCC CEO Jonah Geller

By Adam Grobman


Jonah Geller has had many JCC experiences growing up, but one of his favorites was a program called Israel Connection, which took Jonah and his high school classmates to Israel in 1992.

“It was the first enormous snow Israel had gotten in several years,” he recalls.…

Hello, This is Jewish Family Service - Can I Help You?

By Mary Peterson


Allow me to introduce myself. I am the voice you hear on the phone and the face you see when you walk in the door.


I am the front office staff. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been in the Jewish Family Service office working in the quiet trying to keep …

Super Sunday Callers Felt At Home This Year…Because They Were

By Mary Klaus

With his loving dog keeping him company, Alex Halper looked quite at home making Super Sunday phone calls this year.

No wonder! He was at home during Super Sunday 2021, which was nothing like this day the past few decades.

The iconic desk-top phones used to call hundreds of …